


One-time payment

When you choose the one-time payment option, we give you instant access to the test and all its features for life. This includes exercises, our knowledge base, and any future updates.

Because you agree to the direct provision of the services of this associated digital product, the right of withdrawal does not apply.


When you take out a subscription, you receive instant access to all of BrainManager’s features. Our services create digital products, namely your test results, exercises, and specific knowledge based on your test results. You can download and use these digital products on your computer.

Because you agree to the direct provision of the services of this associated digital product, the right of withdrawal does not apply.

When you choose a 7-day trial subscription, we want to ensure you’re happy with our product. That’s why we offer a money-back guarantee during this period when you can contact us and we will refund the initial payment. No questions asked.

After this period, a monthly subscription will automatically apply to your account and renew every four weeks. You can cancel this subscription whenever you like.

Do a self-diagnosis

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En av verdens beste testplattformer. Et sted for alle som ønsker å bli bedre kjent med seg selv.


Company BM

Vitosha Blvd 66, floor 4, 1463 Sofia